Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Get rid of hair dandruff

Tips for hair dandruff

Following easy tips can help you to get rid of hair dandruff.

1.Mixture of one table spoon olive oil and lemon juice and apply to your hair one hour before bath.

2. Apply white yolk of 2 eggs before bathing.

3. Massage your scalp with warm coconut oil mixed with lemon juice. Keep it at least for half hour before wash. Then wash with mild shampoo.

4. Soak few fenugreek seeds overnight in water. In the morning make a paste of it and apply on your scalp. Let it on head for minimum half hour and then wash the hair.

5.Soap nut (Reetha) is ideal for dandruffs. Soak them in water overnight. Take a juice of it by rubbing them vigorously. Use this water for application on your scalp and hair. Let is remain for half hour and then wash hair. Take care while washing hair, tightly close your eyes so as to avoid eye irritation due to this soap nut water.

6. Take 1 cup each water and apple cider vinegar.Add to it 1 handful of fresh mint leaves. Boil, strain and pour into a bowl. Use it for rinsing your hair and let them dry like that before wash.

7. Dissolve 2 aspirin tablets in any dandruff shampoo and wash your hair with it.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Perfumes for Winter

Selection of perfumes for winter

Many people have a question as to what perfume they should use in winter. It needs to be decided based on seasonal fragrances and moods. In summer light perfumes are chosen so as to memories the warm days on the beach enjoying the water and sun.

While in winter people tend to use a bit heavier perfume like the heavier clothes they wear. In this season there is no skin exposure. As such the scent used in these days needs to overcome the clothings and therefore needs to be a little bit stronger. The ideal example is of musk scent.

In winter people need to warm up with fresh scents that smells well and also heat up the body and give warm feelings. Cypress perfumes suits well and provides essential warmth and feeling of general heat.

Winter perfume scents are reflecting the holiday mood and cold winter also. It needs to be a subtle one giving the person required warmth. It may not be out of place to mention that individual choices differ and one has to think of one which distinctly suits him. The same perfume may have different results in different personalities. So be choosy of your own liking while selecting the perfume.

Ideal perfumes for Winter-

1.Coco by coco channel.

2.Lovely by Sarah Jessica Parker.

3.Red Ginger by Suzanne Lange.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Hair care

Hair care at home

All men and women desires to enjoy healthy, shiny and strong hair. Following tips can give you desired results. Application of following hair lotions made at home is quite beneficial.

1. Make a mixture of a glass of lemon juice and glass of distilled water. First wash your hair with shampoo and then by this mixture.

2. Make a mixture of glass of water and three glasses of beer. After washing the heir, rinse them with this mixture. It will make them shiny and soft. But be ready to ignore the smell till the hair dry.

3. After washing the hair pour some spoons full of fat milk on washed hair. After 20 minutes rinse with warm water. At least do it once every week so as to overcome dryness and brittles of hair.

4.For treating damaged and dry hair do massaging of your scalp with few table spoons of warn olive oil and rinse them after 30 minutes.

5. Dry dandruff can be taken care of by treating with a mixture of 1 tsp castor oil, 1 tsp coconut oil and 1 tsp til oil. Apply it when lukewarm on your scalp and massage it. Shampoo it after 30 minutes. Do it at least twice a week in winter.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Beauty with fruits

Fruits and Beauty

You can use number of fruits for glorifying your beauty

1. Bananas - Vitamin A in Bananas restores natural oils of the skin and vitamin E content repairs the damaged skin. Vitamin C in it also helps to curb appearance of wrinkles.

2.Apples - You can add a cup of apple juice to your bath which will cleanse and soothen your skin. Application of apple juice to scalp also prevents dandruffs. Apples are considered as good conditioner and toner and such helps to fight acne.

3.Pineapples – pineapple slices used can also help to clean and rejuvenate skin.

4. Lemons – Lemons are commonly used as cleanser for skin and hair. Rubbling the lemon slices or lemon juice on scalp helps to prevent dandruffs.

5. Papaya- Papayas are considered best for dry skin. Application of mashed papaya applied to face helps to get rid of dead skin and glow the skin.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Take care of skin by reducing stress

Stress affects Skin

Stress in one such things which has various adverse effect on our body. Various serious diseases like high blood pressure, obesity,depression etc. have been linked to stress.

However, it has also come to notice that it has serious repercussions on our skin. Various skin diseases like acne, eczema,psoriasis are aggravated due to stress. Your beauty can be threatened by stress as it has also adverse effect on your hair and nails.

Emotions have great impact on your skin. Psychodermatology, a new field of medicine, has analysed and established relationship between stress and skin diseases.

Let us see how stress affects our skin. In our body chemical reaction takes place due to stress, which has the effect of making our skin more sensitive and reactive.

Stress aggravates the existing skin problems. Stress worsens the conditions of skin rashes, eczema, pimples. Many a times skin do not respond to the treatment because of excessive stress in your body.

Inspite of stree you need to take care of your skin by continuing daily skin care regime, doing regular exercise, sparing time for doing something you enjoy to get relief from stress and with the help of yoga, meditation and relaxation techniques which will reduce stress to great extent. Taking regular sleep of seven to eight hours a day and opening your mind with somebody can also have good effect on curtailing stress .

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Get rid of dandruff

Many people are worried about the problem of dandruff. It can be tackled easily at home with the help of following home remedies.

1. Applying mixture of water and pure vinegar to the hair before bedtime and washing and rinsing them with vigegar water next day morning.

2.Massagin the scalp with almond bath and then taking steam bath is also useful.

3.Application of lemon juice mixed with vinegar to scalp and massaging it also beneficial. Wash your hairs with shampoo eggs.

4. Make a mixture of fenugreek seed with an agg. Apply it on head and let it remain for hal hour before shampooing . It works very well.

5. Make a mixture of heena powder, curd and ritha powder. Apply on head and let it remain for minimum half hour. Then wash your hairs with a herbal shampoo.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

weight loss - food

Food can help weight loss

One of the most important aspect of rising weight is our individual metabolism. It has direct connection and relation with our weight. There are different ways to tone and it and one of it is eating right kind of food.

Following food can help increase metabolism thereby reducing weight.

1.Ginger- It is very easy to use in our daily intake of food. Add it to your tea or your dish at breakfast. Take every day some giner . It has a very good effect of warming your organs and also increasing the speed of metabolism

2.White cheese – It is a great source of proteins and for digesting proteins body needs to burn more energy than fats and carbohydrates. So increasing the content of protein can help improve metabolism and control weight indirectly.

3.Green Tea- Green tea is booster of metabolism it has very good effects in controlling weight.

4. Raw food and food having more fibre helps to improve your digestion and detoxification. It helps in reducing weight to great extent.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Look younger

Look younger

Simple and easy tips to look younger than your age.

1. Your hair cut can make a great difference. Keep it between your chin and shoulders.

2. You need to select proper shade of lipstick. Avoid matt lipstick and instead use creamier lipsticks.

3. Take care of your dry skin to look younger.

4. After drying of mascara you can curl your lashes. Lining of eyes makes it look larger.

5. Remember not to over pluck your eye brows.

6. Let your teeth look white by using any method.

7. Stand up straight to look young.

8. Ensure every day sound sleep over night.

9. Use hat and sunscreen to avoid sun, which is considered main cause of aging skin.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Simple masks made at home

You can make at home various mask at home for applying to your face instead of spending it and buying it from super markets.

1. for dry skin - milk mask -

A mixture of l tsp each of milk, honey and aloe vela jet along with 2 tsp essential oil makes this mask. You have to apply it on your face and allow it to remain at least for 20 minutes and thereafter wash it with warm water. Try it alternate day and see the results.

2. for dry,mature and wrinkled skin-
Use of fresh,ripe avacado along with honey is of great use. You need to crush the avacado and make a paste , mix it with honey and apply it on face. Allow it one face for atl east 15-20 minutes and then rinse it with cool , soft cloth and then wash the face.

3. For brightening your face very easy tip- just use powder of turmeric and mix it with yogurt and apply the mixture on your face. Allow it to remain for 20 minutes and then rinse and wash.

4.Simple mask for any kind of skin- Use white part of eggs added with plain yogurt. Apply the mixture on your face, let it remain on face of 15-20 minutes. Then rinse and wash the face with warm water.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Care for hair loss

Hair loss cure

One can get rid of nagging problem of hair loss by following simple tips.

1. Drinking a mixture of blended bananas with low fat milk, honey and yoghurt .

2. Taking regularly dietary supplements like zinc, and B6 vitamin of great help.

3. Stress elimination is important for further deteriorating the problem of hair loss.

4. Frequently massaging the scalp by inverting your head is also useful.

5. Ensure adequate sleep under any circumstances. +

6. Avoid as far as possible shampoos purchases from super markets. Read the labels carefully before use. Various chemicals used causes more harm to your hair.

7. You need to take extra care when your hair is wet. Avoid brushing it in wet condition, it will damage hair extensively. Allow it to dry naturally.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Make up for old women

Older women- Make up tips

It is very easy to look beautiful when you are young but it is not so as you become old. Aging is the natural process and no one can avoid it, however few tips can help solve your worry of looking beautiful even if you are old.

Highlighting the eyes will be of benefit. It will help to get rid of focused attention on your wrinkles.

Never commit a mistake of covering wrinkles by heavy foundation. It only highlights the wrinkles.

Avoid using more powder. It is harmful in the sense that it sits atop wrinkles and highlights them. Use only light powder, and that too, if it is really essential.

Choose appropriate haircut. Haircut just below the chin will draw away the attention from your neck. Long cuts attract the eyes downward.

Thinning of bushy eyebrows is also essential. Taking care of eyebrows is just like a facelift without surgery. Get it done in professional manner.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Honey and Beauty

Honey and Beauty

Honey is beauty product of the nature with number of useful ingredients for our body. It contains lots of vitamins and minerals and also packed with antioxidants. It always helps human body to maintain calcium and magnesium by absorbing and retaining it.

Honey has great medicinal value. Honey was used in many countries in different forms for various purposes. It was taken in tea, or taken as it is. It is believed to have high degree of cleansing properties and hence used a lot.

Combining honey with hair conditioner is useful in allowing it to penetrate deeper and improve conditioning of the hair. It increases miniaturization and softens the hair. Honey mixed with buttermilk can give luxurious rinse and softness to the hair. Mixture of lemon juice and honey is also quite useful for the purpose.

Honey has also been used for cleansing of dead cells on the skin. Applying it with mixture of milk, or nut paste and cornstarch helps as a best facial scrub.

It is also used to combat sun burns, rashes and irritations. It is also useful in treating cuts and skin punctures.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Easy cleansing of face

Easy cleansing of face

Everybody has to take care of face, the most important aspect of personality. Your impression in mirror can tell you how you look. You can see whether it is oily, glowing, dry or radiant.

If you can spare little time every day for this purpose specifically, the problem will be over in short time. There are number of easiest methods to cleanse the face. You can adopt any one of them.

1. You will have to take unboiled milk and a small peace of cotton or wool in it and then rub your face gently with the milk, by circular movement. For neck you have to take upward strokes. Keep it on your face for about 15 minutes and then wash it with cool water.

2 You can also use a thick cucumber slice in the same manner. You have to rub it in circular motion on face and allow it to remain for l5 minutes and then wash it.

3, rubbing of tomato slices in the same manner will also be useful.

4. A slice of lime after extracting juice and also be applied on face in similar manner.

5, rubbing the face with ice cubes also have great advantage.

6. Similarly keep the thin apple slices on your face and leave it for l5 minutes as it is. It will help soak the extra oil and also to close the pores on the face.

Try these alternatively whenever possible and allow your face to glow.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Need of daily workout

Need of daily workout

Fitness is most prominent thing in our life. We need to take special efforts to keep us fit all the time. A daily exercise ateleast 30-45 minutes is essential. Specially for women it is most needed. Many women put forth excuses or causes for not keeping up daily exercise routine- It is true to great extent- as they have to do so many things at a time- looking after parents, children, husband, household duties, office responsibilities and so on.

But you can truly and efficiently attain to your multi-task profile only if you keep your self fit all the while. And for that one of the essential prerequisite is continuity in daily exercise.

Following points needs consideration in this regard-

1. Choose your goal – what you want to achieve. Weight reduction, shape, stamina and vitality anything of this sort and accordingly select the type of exercise you would like to do.

2. Select that type of exercise which you like , love and can pursue without any kind of grumbling.

3. You can eveen simple form of exercises, which are not costly and can be done at home and even during daily routine work – like walking, running, cycling, climbing, jogging etc.

4. You can also choose some yoga postures and meditation.

5. Sahajayoga meditation is the best, cheapest- totally free- practiced all over the world. Highly reliable, scientifically based- which can get you rid of all your worries, problems of any sort- physical, mental, social, relationship, stress, imbalance and everything you can just name. Anything and everything you can cure by sahajayoga.

Visit- for more details.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Distilled water Increase Energy

Distilled water can increase your energy and health

What constitutes 70-80% of our planet? Water. What constitutes 70-80% of our body? It is water.

Water is the nutrient most important, give up your body without oxygen. Water rejuvenates us and carries vital nutrients throughout the body when needed. The water picks up all debris, garbage and waste in the cells of the lymphatic system and transported out of the body through the channels of elimination.

So when you drink more water, which has a double combination of feeding the body and remove you from all the waste that accumulates in your system.

Your brain needs water, and lots of it. Without water, your brain works exhausted, tired and slow. Water is the best gift to give you to think clearly. In addition water acts as a lubricant moistening tissues and joints healthy.

When you drink, you avoid tap water. Tap water is more like a dazzling mix of chemicals. Containing fluorine, chlorine, and many others. The amount of chemicals in the water to fill the books - it's more like a chemical soup..

The thirst mechanism when it is turned off for a longer period is often mistaken for hunger. As you drink more water your thirst mechanism will return to its natural state. Not only will you begin to feel thirst when water is needed again, but the appetite decreases.

This brings us to the next big thing you should understand about water. If you asked the difference between organic and inorganic minerals, most likely not tell me, right? Well, we shall briefly explain the difference. This is a basic difference. Organic minerals come from plants, inorganic minerals from volcanic rocks and fountains. Organic minerals can be broken down by the body. Inorganic minerals are not used by the body and stored until suitable water can come play. Organic minerals can be broken down by the body, but not inorganic. It is best to have plant minerals through the food you eat rather than inorganic form in water.

Do you know the best water to use? The best water to use is the same water you use in your iron. The cleanest water in the world is distilled water. It is as pure as rainwater should be if the atmosphere is not polluted.

If you have not heard that 70% of the world's population is dehydrated - soon the wave of the UN to deliver sufficient water to people in the Third World.

The best part is when you drink entirely pure distilled water is much easier to drink. It is so refreshing and light to flood the body with the purity to eliminate the chemicals, cleaning the lymph system and helps remove excess weight. Distilled water is so easy to drink and be absorbed by your body without having to clean the other dirt first. If you can not get distilled water, filtered or reverse osmosis water table the next best option.

Many people in the developing world lack access to clean drinking water. We in developed countries today have virtually unlimited access to drinking water.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Stay Beautiful when you can not afford

Stay beautiful when you can not afford

With all the belt tightening to expect a slowing economy, some items once considered essential relegated to the category of luxury. For some of us that even the results of our makeup, skin care and hair. But this does not mean we abandon our natural beauty. There are many ingredients often found in the house that we can use to stay beautiful.

Create your own product wear

Toss a few grains of sugar with your favorite skin lotion and apply to freshly washed skin. Rub the cream in small circular movements around the area of the face and neck. Rinse with cold water and pat dry. Your skin will be almost as good as an expensive spa treatment.

Say goodbye to dark circles and puffiness

Instead of throwing tea bags for brewing tea in the morning, put in a zipper bag and refrigerate.In swelling of the eyes for about 10 minutes put those cold wet tea bags on the eyes and lie down. Catechin, one of the key ingredients in tea, it seems natural to reduce puffiness and dark circles.

Add highlights to your natural hair

If you can not hair color, attempt to highlight the role naturally. Mix one part lemon juice with three parts water. Pour into a spray bottle and spray on the hair or the paint is to use pure lemon juice and a small brush. Wipe dry or let hair dry naturally in the sun. Donot forget following conditioning of hair to avoid its becoming too brittle.

Brightness until the hair

By controlling for expensive hair care products are no longer in the budget, do a pantry. Some additional items from coconut milk, honey or vinegar, it adds vitality and shine when used to wash hair. A few drops of olive oil or glycerin applied directly to dry freshly washed hair, and also do the trick.

Make your own lip tint

Not only is this product is easy to use at home, it will last much longer than lipsticks, and colors on the market today. Just pick your favorite color of jelly. Dip a foam-tipped applicator with water and then in the dust. Apply lip color directly. Add more than one layer to deepen the tone, if desired. For brightness, add a little glycerin or lip balm on top.

Make your own blush

Mix one cup of strawberries, raspberries or cherries with a teaspoon of liquid glycerin and vitamin E. Mix in blender. Mix a small amount of mixed berries in loose face powder to create a soft cream blush that will brighten any complexion.

rejuvenates your skin with a natural tonic

Cucumber does wonders for your skin if you use it directly, or just throw in your facial bath in morning. Because the plant has amazing properties that give your skin the glow still young, handsome as favorite as the most expensive cream.

Exercise and eat well

No one wants to hear, but true. Exercise and good nutrition is the best medicine for the general health of the body. This includes the complexion. world's most beautiful women glow from the inside and will only take care of their bodies.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Maintaining Youth

Do you have problem of looking young, or maintaining youth, then following tips will be of great help to you.

1. Daily consumption of tomatoes ( sauce, roasted or juice ) can make you look more youthful.

2.Minimum 45 minutes walk every day in fresh air is of help.

3.Exercising atleast 30 minutes alternate day is advisable.

4. Daily intake of chocolate help to prolong life to certain extent.

5.Laughing prolongs your life considerably.

6.Taking calcium rich food and vitamins every day is beneficial.

7.Sound sleep of 7-8 hours a day is of great importance.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Skin care while aging

3 tips for skin while aging

If it is a part of our body that you always want to look young and healthy, it is our skin. Whether you are interested in healthy aging, is likely to have spent thousands of dollars on skin care than to give your skin a day or two with long life and youth. This is normal, after all, a pleated, lined complexion is one of the most noticeable signs of aging.

Fortunately, there are certain steps that healthy aging can take to delay the most dramatic changes occurring in the skin with age. This article shows that the three best ways to take care of your skin to stay young and beautiful time in their golden years.

First, expect to see more lines and wrinkles with age. Healthy aging can delay the process, but it is important to be prepared to deal with sooner or later.

Your skin will begin to become less elastic, which will lead to their appearance and have fallen in some places. Sebaceous glands become less efficient over time, which is much drier and thinner. In other words, without healthy aging, is the fate of his skin in the future is not enough.

Fortunately there are ways to defer or eliminate some of these problems. Using a good moisturizer is important for healthy aging of your skin not as dry and inelastic. A good moisturizer will also help to make the dead skin much faster and more systematically, resulting in skin that looks a lot smoother. Of course, any moisturizer will help to slow the aging of the skin for life, however, is one of the most important elements to ensure healthy aging of the skin.

Second, even if you want to relax in your favorite beach in the sunlight burning, it is important to remember that sun exposure will also lead to dry skin.

Therefore, if you are serious about healthy aging, you should not spend too much time in the sun. If, despite all he has to go out on a sunny day, use a good sunscreen and sun reflective clothing.

Third, regardless of relaxing and attractive prospect to be a long hot bath may seem, studies show that spending too much time soaking in warm water can also cause dry skin. Unfortunately, the aging of healthy skin and the bathroom is not compatible.

It is important to moderate the time spent swimming and when he relaxes in a bathtub, it is recommended to avoid burning hot water and soak in warm water instead. You do not feel as good, but the skin does not suffer too much.

Furthermore, on leaving the bathroom, trying not to rub you to death with a towel instead, gently rub or pat the skin and apply a moisturizer. You will enjoy the glow of freshly washed skin hydrated, while his colleagues can begin to look a bit to be used for drying towels.

As you can see, there are many measures to ensure healthy aging of the skin. It is important to note that time and age will catch up with you if you like it or not, as such, it is important to accept that one day, the skin begins to show signs of age. At one point, it is important to accept and embrace the elderly as a new part of his life as exciting.


Monday, October 18, 2010

Tooth whitening

Tooth whitening options

Teeth whitening has become increasingly popular in recent years, especially with the introduction of home whitening strips that can be used by everyone. There are many options, strong and sweet, which can be used by anyone who wants to "white beads."

Has white teeth not only the aesthetic appearance but also change the look of your smile and improve self-esteem. Before you decide to do something for your teeth, ask your dentist to make sure it is safe.

In some cases, a person teeth or gums are not healthy enough to handle harsh chemicals that are involved to have whiter teeth. If you have veneers or implants, the method can be ineffective or cause your teeth to a different color than the others.

If you visit the dentist, and conclude that they are able to use a bleaching method is successful, you should do some research to find out which method works best for you. There are several methods that your dentist can do for you or you can do at home on your own.

In office whitening is a procedure performed in a dentist's office, and is a simple procedure to perform. Usually it takes is a little over an hour to complete, and gives immediate results, but can be very expensive.

tooth whitening trays and gels is an effective method, but it may take some time to see results. The user places a peroxide gel in a clear tray is in the teeth.

Generally, wear the tray for a few hours per day or night and can take three days to several weeks to start seeing results. The gel and the trays can be purchased from your dentist .

Other methods, means to clean the teeth and mouth, but the demand premium for whiter teeth. A popular product is the whitening toothpaste.

Toothpaste containing chemicals and mild polishing agents that remove surface stains. They are not designed to whiten teeth, but to remove some of the teeth which can cause discoloration.

There are several mouthwashes that promise whiter teeth. Even if the mouthwash is a good product that fights plaque, bad breath and bacteria, has not proven to make teeth whiter than nothing.

The great white smile is everywhere, and people want products they can give even the chewing gum has jumped into the car. The taste is good and makes your breath smell fresh mint, but the skills for bleaching, no study has shown that the actual results.

If you want a whiter smile, stick to the methods recommended by your dentist are best for you. Brushing should be flossing and using mouthwash to remove all foreign particles of food left in the mouth, and be the first step to whiter teeth.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Diet and acne

Diet and Acne

There are differences of opinion as to the effect of diet on the acne problem. If it has any effect, to what extent it affects acne, and what can be done to reduce it.

Basically the type of your skin and the reaction of the body to the food you consume are two important points in this regard. To reduce the acne effect, it is advisable to take care of food.

We need to observe our body as to what is the effect of food we eat on it. It will give an idea as to the effect of eating particular food on acne. Observing our body, and its reaction must be done continuously, it is so because everybody’s body react to the same food in different way, and hence we must known reaction of our own body to any food.

Fighting acne with the help of antibiotics, lotions, creams will not be sufficient unless you pay attention to food which you eat. It is better to avoid following food items to overcome acne problem.

Nuts and products made of nuts.

Chocolates in any form are avoided.

Avoid spicy food, especially sauces purchased from the store.

Salty food

Pizza and less fried food.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Weight control and Beauty

Weight control and beauty

Controlling weight is of prime importance in looking beautiful. Some say even fatty are also beautiful, there is need to control the weight under any circumstances.

Weight management is a crucial task and needs lot of conscious efforts in right direction.

1. Consistent eating every day is highly recommended. Instead of fasting one day and eating more than double next day is of no use. It would be rather more harmful.

2. Eat properly sitting on dining table. Eating while in front of computer or watching TV is avoided. The person concerned is unaware of what is he eating, and how much is he eating.

3. We need to curtail bulk buying. Many a times what happens in reality is that just because we have purchased eatables in bulk, we are tempted to eat more quantity. If we have no control on self, it is the common thing which happens with bulk purchasing.

4. Eating healthy breakfast is a must. It is essential to start a day with sufficient breakfast.

5. Eat for living and do not live for eating. We have to understand that eating is a means, tools to maintain our body and spirit together. It is not the aim of life.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

simple beauty tips

Simple Beauty Tips

1. Applying milk of raw coconut on your lips and face is beneficial to add grace and help your skin to glow.

2. Applying un boiled milk with the help of smooth cotton on your face helps to clean the unseen dirt.

3. For slowing down the aging process and preventing wrinkles, application of pure castor oil on face is useful.

4. Doing facial with natural fresh hurbs, fruits, vegetables once in a week is also advisible. Cucumber, water melon, sandalwood powder can be used for it.

5. Applicatiofn of tomato juice( fresh) with little addition of lemon juice to skin makes it soft and glowing.

6. For keeping away wrinkles use the juice of cabbage added with honey.

7. Applying raw carrot paste on face, keeping it for hour and then washing it also helps to its glowing.

8. Regular mint juice application on face removes stains.

9. Drinking coriander tea at night for few days may help you to overcome rash problem.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Beauty- Meaning and effects on Society

Beauty- Meaning and effects on society

Beauty is that perception which is admired all over the world. It is also studied as a part of aesthetics, sociology, and culture. There are different views, opinions, and yardsticks to measure beauty. Large scale variation appears over its meaning and content.

Beauty is essentially a subjective experience. It is in the eyes of beholder. Beauty is related to not only its external manifestation but also related to its inner attributes – like personality, intelligence, grace, politeness, charisma, integrity, congruence and elegance, while the outer beauty- i.e. physical attractiveness considers various aspects like figure, health, charm, skin complexion, glowing face, sparkling eyes, attractive shape and so on.

All these factors are considered and measured even in various international beauty contests, wherein participants from all over the world make their show. The standards of beauty go on changing in different eras, by passing of number of years.

However, it is established worldwide that beauty does have a powerful impact on society. The personalities bestowed with beauty reap great benefits out of it. Following are few examples of it.

Beautiful students get more marks from their teachers than average looking students.

Attractive patients receive greater attention from the Doctors.

Charming criminals get lesser punishment due to their personality.

Beautiful faces are welcomed with open mind everywhere.

So it is but natural for the human being to look beautiful. One needs to understand that God has made everybody beautiful. Each one of us has been endowed with something special, which others do not have. So find out your strong points, and try to develop the weak one. You will look more smart, charming, attractive, and at peace and calm from within.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Hair care

Hair care

For weak and brittle locks following hair care can prove beneficial.

1. Even though washing hair is essential it does not need to be done every day. Perhaps such daily washing may harm your hair. Instead apply everyday natural oil on your scalp to condition it naturally.

2. You should resort to minimum combing and brushing of hair. Styling of hair be minimum so as to keep them strong natural way.

3. Avoid alcohol used or based products and opt for those products which would add moisture in hair.

4. While drying hair on hair dryer always do it on cool setting.

5. Make your hair strong and shiny with the use of hair lotion made of lemon juice and distilled water. It is to be applied after washing by shampoo first.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Anti aging remedies at home

Instead of purchasing costly anty aging products in the market one can try followine one- made easily at your home .

1. Mixture of honey and oat power is great mask for anti ageing skin. Apply it on your skin, let is remain for 15-20 ninutes and then wash it gently. You will realise the difference.

2.Fruits are of great help in this field. The antioxidants and natural acidity can help in skin cells turnover and new vibrant skin cells. You can make peels of various fruits at home.

3. Use of olive oil also can do wonder. Use a mixture of olive oil and brown sugar, or sea salt, apply it gently on skin, and wash if off after 20 minutes. It also has a great soothing effect on skin.

4.Watermolon slices can also be used for toning and dehydrating your skin.
5. Fresh smashed straberries or juice can be more useful in treating oily skin.
6 Use diluted lemon juice with water for treating your skin. It is useful for oily and blemish skin.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Fresh looking skin

Fresh looking skin

With the following methods you can make your skin look fresh.

1.Make a mixture of milik and cucumber. Let it get settled well for some time and then apply directly on your face. Keep it for sometime and then wash with warm water.

2. Application of tomato juice directly on face in the manner described above also can have great effect.

3.As far as possible drink milk with some honey added to it before going to bed.

4.Applying lime juice on face after bath twice a week can also do wonder.

5. the easy and less expensive body lotion you can prepare at home and apply is mixture of rose water, glycerin and lemon juice. It can be used daily as moisturizer

Fresh looking skin

Fresh looking skin

With the following methods you can make your skin look fresh.

1.Make a mixture of milik and cucumber. Let it get settled well for some time and then apply directly on your face. Keep it for sometime and then wash with warm water.

2. Application of tomato juice directly on face in the manner described above also can have great effect.

3.As far as possible drink milk with some honey added to it before going to bed.

4.Applying lime juice on face after bath twice a week can also do wonder.

5. the easy and less expensive body lotion you can prepare at home and apply is mixture of rose water, glycerin and lemon juice. It can be used daily as moisturizer

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Beauty by Herbs

Herbs have been very commonly in use since time immemorial in various countries of th world for the beauty purpose.They were used in different forms - like powder, paste, juice etc. They were either applied directly on various body part externally or taken as medicines providing various desired effects.

Let us first have a look at the causative factors affecting beauty - basically they are two- internal and external. Internal factors includes dehydration, lack of vitamins and other essential supplements required by body, inefficient functioning of various organs, glands in the body etc. While external factors consists of every type of pollution - air pollution, water pollution, toxins and chemicals prevalent in food, vegetables, fruits, increased level of hazardous smoke due to industrialisation, exposure to direct sunlight for larger time etc.

We can consider actual use of various herbs for beauty purpose as described in Ahyurveda.

1. Turmeric - turmeric is useful for glowing an brightening the skin. Bacterial infection can be easily taken care of by turmeric face masks. Continuous use of turmeric paste externally on our body parts can help it glow and provides increased brightness to the skin.

2, Chandan - Chandan is another commonly used ingredient in various beauty products. It is essentially cooler which provides great satisfaction during very hot season. External application of chandan powder, paste works effectively in treatments of skin allergies and ailments, due to its known soothing effects.

3. Neem- Neem is another popular element in beauty treatment, especially in acne, eczema and dandruff in hair. Its powder, paste is used externally. It can also be taken internally,however it has bitter taste. It is highy effective in reducing the higher sugar level in body, which is manyh a times a primary cause of various skin diseases.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Beauty quotes

Following are various quotes on Beauty. It may change your perception of Beauty, or provide you more insight into Beauty.

Beauty Quotes –

1. Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that frightens us most. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and famous?' Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that people won't feel insecure around you. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in all of us. And when we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.

Used by Nelson Mandela in his 1994 inaugural speech

2.The greatest treasures are those invisible to the eye but found by the heart.

3. “It's beauty that captures your attention; personality which captures your heart.

4. “The most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched, they must be felt with the heart

5. “Beauty is not in the face; beauty is a light in the heart

6. Character contributes to beauty. It fortifies a woman as her youth fades. A mode of conduct, a standard of courage, discipline, fortitude, and integrity can do a great deal to make a woman beautiful.

7. “Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder

8. Beauty is the wisdom of women. Wisdom is the beauty of men.

9. As we grow old, the beauty steals inward. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

10. Beauty is a short-lived tyranny.


11. Love is the beauty of the soul.

Saint Augustine

12. Exuberance is beauty.
William Blake

13. Beauty is not caused. It is.
Emily Dickinson

14. Beauty is worse than wine, it intoxicates both the holder and beholder.
Aldous Huxley

15. Beauty is everywhere a welcome guest.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Acne treatment

Are you worried about Acne. There are many like you who are upset over this issue. Many of them depend heavily on external factors like creams, lotions, and various other similar new acne products in the market. However it does give effect - but temporarily. It is but natural, because you are not concentrating on the root cause which is causing Acne.

The problem lies somewhere inner. In your own body, with your life style, eating habits, your hygine practices and so on. Therefore it is advisable to use natural acne remedies, which are harmless and does not have any side-effects too.

Ensuring proper diet supplements, intake of sufficient water quantity and doing exercise regularly can solve the problem to great extent.

Use mixture of lemon juice and rose water to apply on your face. Rinse it only after 30 minutes. It will have wonderful effect.

You can also mint juice on your face. It is said that strawberry leave also helps in reducing swelling of the pimples.
Wash your face with warm water and then apply powder of turmeric added with mint juice. Keep it for some time and then wash with warm water.

Using cucumber paste on face is also very much beneficial.
Use garlics. Apply directly on your face on affected skin several times. It will easily help to remove the scars on your face.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Easy and Simple skin care

Skin is the most vital and important organ of our body. Its external manifestation , colour, smoothness, shine has a great value. It is an important eye catching part of our body causing lot of attraction. Naturally it is worth taking care of it. We can do it by even simple and easy method sitting at our home- instead of wasting time, money and energy in visiting various parlours, stores, malls to find out which are the new beauty accessories in window to buy.

1. Using unboiled milk to massage your face can be very effective it can glow your skin in some time.

2.You can get relief from the problem of sunburn with the mixture of milk and tomato juice

3. For overcoming wrinkles you can use babanas - apply smashed banas on your skin, keep it for 15-2o minutes and wash it with warm water.

4. You can use rose water and glycerin to massage your face atleast every alternate day. It can solve problem of dry skin.

5, Apples are helpful in dry skin. Use Apple crush for your face or other skin. rube it gently, keep it for sufficient time- 20-30 minutes and wash with warm water. Potassium and tanin content of apples are said to have effect of maintaining texture of the skin.

6. Aloe vera is a miracle herb. Applying its jelly, or juice on face ,neck, skin can help replenish the skin by providing essential nutrients to the body.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Feel Beautiful

Feeling beautiful is very important thing in life. Many beautiful people just forget that they are beautiful and so they suffer mentally. The main reason of not feeling beautiful is constant comparison made with others.

First and most important stop comparing with others. On this planet everyone is beautiful. Everyone is given some special features by the God. Noone is similar, everybody has got something which draws him or her to withdrawal syndrom. EVERYBODY HAS SOME PLUS AND MINUS POINTS .So always remember YOU ARE UNIQUE. Every unique thing is beautiful.

A conscious efforts on your part to change your style of living can bring about desired changes in you- physical and mental also. By sincere efforts you can reduce weight, by proper diet habits you can gain strength and vigour, by exercise you can feel refreshed and energetic. So do whaterver is possible with confidence and the results are bound to be encouraging.

Smile as long as you can and as many times as you can. It makes your face really beautiful. Everyone likes smiling personality. Further it does not cost anything. So why don"t you smile.

God has providded everybody with some plus points, something which others do not have. Find it out and use it properly. You may become a great artist, or famour Painter, or well known singer or dancer. Whatever qualities and likings you have, you have to develop them and reap benefits from them.

Change your mood with some changes in the atmosphere of your room. Decorate it with your loving colour. Put on the pictures of your choice. Have some nice plants, if you like it. Do something which will give boost to your feelings and relax and enjoy.

Always remember - YOU ARE ALSO BEAUTIFUL .

Feel Beautiful

Feeling beautiful is very important thing in life. Many beautiful people just forget that they are beautiful and so they suffer mentally. The main reason of not feeling beautiful is constant comparison made with others.

First and most important stop comparing with others. On this planet everyone is beautiful. Everyone is given some special features by the God. Noone is similar, everyubody has got something which draws him or her to withdrawal syndrom. So always remember YOU ARE UNIQUE. Every unique thing is beautiful.

A conscious efforts on your part to change your style of living can bring about desired changes in you- physical and mental also. By sincere efforts you can reduce weight, by proper diet habits you can gain strength and vigour, by exercise you can feel refreshed and energetic. So do whaterver is possible with confidence and the results are bound to be encouraging.

Smaile as long as you can and as many times as you can. It makes your face really beautiful. Everyone likes smiling personality. Further it does not cost anything. So why don"t you smile.

God has providded everybody with some plus points, something which others do not have. Find it out and use it properly. You may become a great artist, or famour Painter, or well known singer or dancer. Whatever qualities and likings you have, you have to develop them and reap benefits from them.

Change your mood with some changes in the atmosphere of your room. Decorate it with your loving colour. Put on the pictures of your choice. Have some nice plants, if you like it. Do something which will give boost to your feelings and relax and enjoy.

Always remember - YOU ARE ALSO BEAUTIFUL .

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Beauty through Yoga

Every man and woman, young and old desires to look beautiful It is the most common and prominent desire of every human being. However very few takes pain to do something in that direction. You will be delighted to know that performing yoga everyday for few minutes can make your start on the beauty path.

Yoga contains various Asanas- i.e. physical postures and Pranayama- breathing exercises. Both combined together can make your body and mind elastic, energetic, flowing with vigour and strength and glowing with colour. It provides you desired shape and help wither away unwanted fats. It results in appropriate blood circulation , supplying it to all parts and thus solves vartious problems. It can help improve hair look. If will brighten your eyes. It will provide you added stamina and you will feel life more enjoyable and meaningful.

Many of your mental worries would overcome due to added strength and vigour in body and spirit. You will feel more light in weight and more charming also. It can be rightly manifested in your actions and deeds.

You can learn, know, practice Sahajayoga. It is a very simple, easy, scientifically proven, meditation technique spread by Mataji Nirmaladevi all over the world. Further it is free all the life. You will find number of centres across the globe. You can refer to any standard website or blog on the subject - from your own country and world over.

If interested you can have a my own blog on the subject -

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

skin care by natural products

Skin care by natural health supplements

Skin is the most important and the largest organ of our body and hence requires special attention . Everybody needs to have a healthy skin. People adopt various methods to have it, but one of them most safe and reliable is the use of natural health supplements for this purpose.

As these products are using those elements which come from nature, plants and parts of trees. So they are safe to use and apply. Oatmeal really does wonder if mixed with aloe for cleansing the skin. It also assist renunenating and soothing the damaged skin.

Acne is the major problem with the youngsters. It can be solved by removing impurities from the body, by using various kinds of clensers, and use of anti-oxidants.

Particularly for women, after pregnancy, strech marks is a big worry. Use of natural products can help decrease their appearance by making the skin more elastic and increasing its strength. Intake of vitamin A,E, D3 help stimulate production of new skin cells.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Raw food and Beauty

Raw food and Beauty

The search for beauty has found out different natural ways in which one can enhance beauty. The most practicable, convincing and reliable method is adopting raw diet as far as possible.

Raw food helps the person to look beautiful by substantially reducing weight. Those who are exhausted by different methods of weight loss can definitely try this and get desired results.

Various studies have confirmed that raw food is comparatively less flattening that the cooked one. Further it is also easily digestible in our system. Raw food also takes care of supplying essential nutrition to our body, and thus brings about perceptible change in the body look- it helps in hair growth and regaining fading colour of the hair. Nails may look more strong, shining and clean. The person’s face also glows and eyes begin to sparkle.

Raw food diet mainly consists of fruits, vegetables, nuts, sprouts, juices etc. You would be surprised to know the various advantages offered by raw diet like – acts as a good cleanser and nourished our body cells. It is also considered as best diet for athletes and physically active persons.

Before adopting raw food diet, the person concerned needs to make a vow to rigorously follow it for personal benefit. Initially it may sound difficult to follow, but it is not so when you have changed your mind set in favor of raw food. It requires commitment and planning, and then success can be guaranteed. Our body also takes some time get adjust to new style diet. So it is better that it is adopted in gradual increasing manner. So do not suddenly stop eating cooked food, but start by reducing its proportion.

Consuming fiber rich raw diet has many advantages to offer to our body. You will definitely feel elated, energetic and beautiful. With planned efforts, you can easily overcome emotional hurdles on the way. So start the raw food diet plan as early as possible and look smarter.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Beauty without Make up

Can you believe that beauti can exist without make up. Yes. By All means. Give it a try. The hammering advertisements and commercialization of life has resultd in some wrong notions get established - like Make up is a Must for Beauty. You can never think of beauty without make-up etc. But correct yourself, and realise the reality- Beauty is possible in life without make up.

A little change in life-style, diet habits, exercising everyday, intake of balanced meal, consumption of sufficient quantity of water etc. can give you real beauty.

1. Water- Start day by washing your face with cool water. Then drink maximum amount of water to flush out the impurities from your body. Water if life. If you maintain the proportion of water in body correctly, it will have healthy effect on your skin. It will definitely glow and shine.

2.Sound sleep- Sound sleep is the key to healthy and beautiful life. Never deprive your body from this essential element. Atleast 8 hours quiet sleep is prerequisite of healthy life. So enjoy sleep and be peaceful and beautiful too.

3. Exercise daily- Daily exercise is another fact, which you can never afford to escape attention. Exercise offers number of benefits to our body and mind. Choose the exercise of your likeing and continuously do it regularly. It will provide you good shape, it will tone your body, it will build muscles, it will bring back smile on your face.

4. Balanced diet- Alway be conscious of what you eat, how much you eat and when you eat. Never miss the breakfast in the morning. It will harm your health . Try to take more fruits, fresh juice and vegetable in diet. Raw food and salads etc. can do wonder. Realise it and experience yourself.

5. Meditate everyday- The best sort of meditation in this world is - Sahajayoga Meditation by Mataji Nirmaladevi. It brings about total transformation within yourself, it is free, practiced all over the world in all religion. Get benefit of it. Your balanced mind, and satisfied sould will glow you in every respect.