Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Get rid of hair dandruff

Tips for hair dandruff

Following easy tips can help you to get rid of hair dandruff.

1.Mixture of one table spoon olive oil and lemon juice and apply to your hair one hour before bath.

2. Apply white yolk of 2 eggs before bathing.

3. Massage your scalp with warm coconut oil mixed with lemon juice. Keep it at least for half hour before wash. Then wash with mild shampoo.

4. Soak few fenugreek seeds overnight in water. In the morning make a paste of it and apply on your scalp. Let it on head for minimum half hour and then wash the hair.

5.Soap nut (Reetha) is ideal for dandruffs. Soak them in water overnight. Take a juice of it by rubbing them vigorously. Use this water for application on your scalp and hair. Let is remain for half hour and then wash hair. Take care while washing hair, tightly close your eyes so as to avoid eye irritation due to this soap nut water.

6. Take 1 cup each water and apple cider vinegar.Add to it 1 handful of fresh mint leaves. Boil, strain and pour into a bowl. Use it for rinsing your hair and let them dry like that before wash.

7. Dissolve 2 aspirin tablets in any dandruff shampoo and wash your hair with it.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Perfumes for Winter

Selection of perfumes for winter

Many people have a question as to what perfume they should use in winter. It needs to be decided based on seasonal fragrances and moods. In summer light perfumes are chosen so as to memories the warm days on the beach enjoying the water and sun.

While in winter people tend to use a bit heavier perfume like the heavier clothes they wear. In this season there is no skin exposure. As such the scent used in these days needs to overcome the clothings and therefore needs to be a little bit stronger. The ideal example is of musk scent.

In winter people need to warm up with fresh scents that smells well and also heat up the body and give warm feelings. Cypress perfumes suits well and provides essential warmth and feeling of general heat.

Winter perfume scents are reflecting the holiday mood and cold winter also. It needs to be a subtle one giving the person required warmth. It may not be out of place to mention that individual choices differ and one has to think of one which distinctly suits him. The same perfume may have different results in different personalities. So be choosy of your own liking while selecting the perfume.

Ideal perfumes for Winter-

1.Coco by coco channel.

2.Lovely by Sarah Jessica Parker.

3.Red Ginger by Suzanne Lange.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Hair care

Hair care at home

All men and women desires to enjoy healthy, shiny and strong hair. Following tips can give you desired results. Application of following hair lotions made at home is quite beneficial.

1. Make a mixture of a glass of lemon juice and glass of distilled water. First wash your hair with shampoo and then by this mixture.

2. Make a mixture of glass of water and three glasses of beer. After washing the heir, rinse them with this mixture. It will make them shiny and soft. But be ready to ignore the smell till the hair dry.

3. After washing the hair pour some spoons full of fat milk on washed hair. After 20 minutes rinse with warm water. At least do it once every week so as to overcome dryness and brittles of hair.

4.For treating damaged and dry hair do massaging of your scalp with few table spoons of warn olive oil and rinse them after 30 minutes.

5. Dry dandruff can be taken care of by treating with a mixture of 1 tsp castor oil, 1 tsp coconut oil and 1 tsp til oil. Apply it when lukewarm on your scalp and massage it. Shampoo it after 30 minutes. Do it at least twice a week in winter.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Beauty with fruits

Fruits and Beauty

You can use number of fruits for glorifying your beauty

1. Bananas - Vitamin A in Bananas restores natural oils of the skin and vitamin E content repairs the damaged skin. Vitamin C in it also helps to curb appearance of wrinkles.

2.Apples - You can add a cup of apple juice to your bath which will cleanse and soothen your skin. Application of apple juice to scalp also prevents dandruffs. Apples are considered as good conditioner and toner and such helps to fight acne.

3.Pineapples – pineapple slices used can also help to clean and rejuvenate skin.

4. Lemons – Lemons are commonly used as cleanser for skin and hair. Rubbling the lemon slices or lemon juice on scalp helps to prevent dandruffs.

5. Papaya- Papayas are considered best for dry skin. Application of mashed papaya applied to face helps to get rid of dead skin and glow the skin.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Take care of skin by reducing stress

Stress affects Skin

Stress in one such things which has various adverse effect on our body. Various serious diseases like high blood pressure, obesity,depression etc. have been linked to stress.

However, it has also come to notice that it has serious repercussions on our skin. Various skin diseases like acne, eczema,psoriasis are aggravated due to stress. Your beauty can be threatened by stress as it has also adverse effect on your hair and nails.

Emotions have great impact on your skin. Psychodermatology, a new field of medicine, has analysed and established relationship between stress and skin diseases.

Let us see how stress affects our skin. In our body chemical reaction takes place due to stress, which has the effect of making our skin more sensitive and reactive.

Stress aggravates the existing skin problems. Stress worsens the conditions of skin rashes, eczema, pimples. Many a times skin do not respond to the treatment because of excessive stress in your body.

Inspite of stree you need to take care of your skin by continuing daily skin care regime, doing regular exercise, sparing time for doing something you enjoy to get relief from stress and with the help of yoga, meditation and relaxation techniques which will reduce stress to great extent. Taking regular sleep of seven to eight hours a day and opening your mind with somebody can also have good effect on curtailing stress .