Many people are worried about the problem of dandruff. It can be tackled easily at home with the help of following home remedies.
1. Applying mixture of water and pure vinegar to the hair before bedtime and washing and rinsing them with vigegar water next day morning.
2.Massagin the scalp with almond bath and then taking steam bath is also useful.
3.Application of lemon juice mixed with vinegar to scalp and massaging it also beneficial. Wash your hairs with shampoo eggs.
4. Make a mixture of fenugreek seed with an agg. Apply it on head and let it remain for hal hour before shampooing . It works very well.
5. Make a mixture of heena powder, curd and ritha powder. Apply on head and let it remain for minimum half hour. Then wash your hairs with a herbal shampoo.
Over the years, dandruff has been attributed to a number of causes including, hormones, stress, poor hygiene, oily scalp, dry scalp, family tendencies and the use of too many hair styling products. Dry Skin Treatment