Saturday, November 27, 2010

weight loss - food

Food can help weight loss

One of the most important aspect of rising weight is our individual metabolism. It has direct connection and relation with our weight. There are different ways to tone and it and one of it is eating right kind of food.

Following food can help increase metabolism thereby reducing weight.

1.Ginger- It is very easy to use in our daily intake of food. Add it to your tea or your dish at breakfast. Take every day some giner . It has a very good effect of warming your organs and also increasing the speed of metabolism

2.White cheese – It is a great source of proteins and for digesting proteins body needs to burn more energy than fats and carbohydrates. So increasing the content of protein can help improve metabolism and control weight indirectly.

3.Green Tea- Green tea is booster of metabolism it has very good effects in controlling weight.

4. Raw food and food having more fibre helps to improve your digestion and detoxification. It helps in reducing weight to great extent.

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