Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Beauty with fruits

Fruits and Beauty

You can use number of fruits for glorifying your beauty

1. Bananas - Vitamin A in Bananas restores natural oils of the skin and vitamin E content repairs the damaged skin. Vitamin C in it also helps to curb appearance of wrinkles.

2.Apples - You can add a cup of apple juice to your bath which will cleanse and soothen your skin. Application of apple juice to scalp also prevents dandruffs. Apples are considered as good conditioner and toner and such helps to fight acne.

3.Pineapples – pineapple slices used can also help to clean and rejuvenate skin.

4. Lemons – Lemons are commonly used as cleanser for skin and hair. Rubbling the lemon slices or lemon juice on scalp helps to prevent dandruffs.

5. Papaya- Papayas are considered best for dry skin. Application of mashed papaya applied to face helps to get rid of dead skin and glow the skin.

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