Thursday, September 30, 2010

Beauty by Herbs

Herbs have been very commonly in use since time immemorial in various countries of th world for the beauty purpose.They were used in different forms - like powder, paste, juice etc. They were either applied directly on various body part externally or taken as medicines providing various desired effects.

Let us first have a look at the causative factors affecting beauty - basically they are two- internal and external. Internal factors includes dehydration, lack of vitamins and other essential supplements required by body, inefficient functioning of various organs, glands in the body etc. While external factors consists of every type of pollution - air pollution, water pollution, toxins and chemicals prevalent in food, vegetables, fruits, increased level of hazardous smoke due to industrialisation, exposure to direct sunlight for larger time etc.

We can consider actual use of various herbs for beauty purpose as described in Ahyurveda.

1. Turmeric - turmeric is useful for glowing an brightening the skin. Bacterial infection can be easily taken care of by turmeric face masks. Continuous use of turmeric paste externally on our body parts can help it glow and provides increased brightness to the skin.

2, Chandan - Chandan is another commonly used ingredient in various beauty products. It is essentially cooler which provides great satisfaction during very hot season. External application of chandan powder, paste works effectively in treatments of skin allergies and ailments, due to its known soothing effects.

3. Neem- Neem is another popular element in beauty treatment, especially in acne, eczema and dandruff in hair. Its powder, paste is used externally. It can also be taken internally,however it has bitter taste. It is highy effective in reducing the higher sugar level in body, which is manyh a times a primary cause of various skin diseases.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Beauty quotes

Following are various quotes on Beauty. It may change your perception of Beauty, or provide you more insight into Beauty.

Beauty Quotes –

1. Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that frightens us most. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and famous?' Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that people won't feel insecure around you. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in all of us. And when we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.

Used by Nelson Mandela in his 1994 inaugural speech

2.The greatest treasures are those invisible to the eye but found by the heart.

3. “It's beauty that captures your attention; personality which captures your heart.

4. “The most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched, they must be felt with the heart

5. “Beauty is not in the face; beauty is a light in the heart

6. Character contributes to beauty. It fortifies a woman as her youth fades. A mode of conduct, a standard of courage, discipline, fortitude, and integrity can do a great deal to make a woman beautiful.

7. “Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder

8. Beauty is the wisdom of women. Wisdom is the beauty of men.

9. As we grow old, the beauty steals inward. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

10. Beauty is a short-lived tyranny.


11. Love is the beauty of the soul.

Saint Augustine

12. Exuberance is beauty.
William Blake

13. Beauty is not caused. It is.
Emily Dickinson

14. Beauty is worse than wine, it intoxicates both the holder and beholder.
Aldous Huxley

15. Beauty is everywhere a welcome guest.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Acne treatment

Are you worried about Acne. There are many like you who are upset over this issue. Many of them depend heavily on external factors like creams, lotions, and various other similar new acne products in the market. However it does give effect - but temporarily. It is but natural, because you are not concentrating on the root cause which is causing Acne.

The problem lies somewhere inner. In your own body, with your life style, eating habits, your hygine practices and so on. Therefore it is advisable to use natural acne remedies, which are harmless and does not have any side-effects too.

Ensuring proper diet supplements, intake of sufficient water quantity and doing exercise regularly can solve the problem to great extent.

Use mixture of lemon juice and rose water to apply on your face. Rinse it only after 30 minutes. It will have wonderful effect.

You can also mint juice on your face. It is said that strawberry leave also helps in reducing swelling of the pimples.
Wash your face with warm water and then apply powder of turmeric added with mint juice. Keep it for some time and then wash with warm water.

Using cucumber paste on face is also very much beneficial.
Use garlics. Apply directly on your face on affected skin several times. It will easily help to remove the scars on your face.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Easy and Simple skin care

Skin is the most vital and important organ of our body. Its external manifestation , colour, smoothness, shine has a great value. It is an important eye catching part of our body causing lot of attraction. Naturally it is worth taking care of it. We can do it by even simple and easy method sitting at our home- instead of wasting time, money and energy in visiting various parlours, stores, malls to find out which are the new beauty accessories in window to buy.

1. Using unboiled milk to massage your face can be very effective it can glow your skin in some time.

2.You can get relief from the problem of sunburn with the mixture of milk and tomato juice

3. For overcoming wrinkles you can use babanas - apply smashed banas on your skin, keep it for 15-2o minutes and wash it with warm water.

4. You can use rose water and glycerin to massage your face atleast every alternate day. It can solve problem of dry skin.

5, Apples are helpful in dry skin. Use Apple crush for your face or other skin. rube it gently, keep it for sufficient time- 20-30 minutes and wash with warm water. Potassium and tanin content of apples are said to have effect of maintaining texture of the skin.

6. Aloe vera is a miracle herb. Applying its jelly, or juice on face ,neck, skin can help replenish the skin by providing essential nutrients to the body.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Feel Beautiful

Feeling beautiful is very important thing in life. Many beautiful people just forget that they are beautiful and so they suffer mentally. The main reason of not feeling beautiful is constant comparison made with others.

First and most important stop comparing with others. On this planet everyone is beautiful. Everyone is given some special features by the God. Noone is similar, everybody has got something which draws him or her to withdrawal syndrom. EVERYBODY HAS SOME PLUS AND MINUS POINTS .So always remember YOU ARE UNIQUE. Every unique thing is beautiful.

A conscious efforts on your part to change your style of living can bring about desired changes in you- physical and mental also. By sincere efforts you can reduce weight, by proper diet habits you can gain strength and vigour, by exercise you can feel refreshed and energetic. So do whaterver is possible with confidence and the results are bound to be encouraging.

Smile as long as you can and as many times as you can. It makes your face really beautiful. Everyone likes smiling personality. Further it does not cost anything. So why don"t you smile.

God has providded everybody with some plus points, something which others do not have. Find it out and use it properly. You may become a great artist, or famour Painter, or well known singer or dancer. Whatever qualities and likings you have, you have to develop them and reap benefits from them.

Change your mood with some changes in the atmosphere of your room. Decorate it with your loving colour. Put on the pictures of your choice. Have some nice plants, if you like it. Do something which will give boost to your feelings and relax and enjoy.

Always remember - YOU ARE ALSO BEAUTIFUL .

Feel Beautiful

Feeling beautiful is very important thing in life. Many beautiful people just forget that they are beautiful and so they suffer mentally. The main reason of not feeling beautiful is constant comparison made with others.

First and most important stop comparing with others. On this planet everyone is beautiful. Everyone is given some special features by the God. Noone is similar, everyubody has got something which draws him or her to withdrawal syndrom. So always remember YOU ARE UNIQUE. Every unique thing is beautiful.

A conscious efforts on your part to change your style of living can bring about desired changes in you- physical and mental also. By sincere efforts you can reduce weight, by proper diet habits you can gain strength and vigour, by exercise you can feel refreshed and energetic. So do whaterver is possible with confidence and the results are bound to be encouraging.

Smaile as long as you can and as many times as you can. It makes your face really beautiful. Everyone likes smiling personality. Further it does not cost anything. So why don"t you smile.

God has providded everybody with some plus points, something which others do not have. Find it out and use it properly. You may become a great artist, or famour Painter, or well known singer or dancer. Whatever qualities and likings you have, you have to develop them and reap benefits from them.

Change your mood with some changes in the atmosphere of your room. Decorate it with your loving colour. Put on the pictures of your choice. Have some nice plants, if you like it. Do something which will give boost to your feelings and relax and enjoy.

Always remember - YOU ARE ALSO BEAUTIFUL .

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Beauty through Yoga

Every man and woman, young and old desires to look beautiful It is the most common and prominent desire of every human being. However very few takes pain to do something in that direction. You will be delighted to know that performing yoga everyday for few minutes can make your start on the beauty path.

Yoga contains various Asanas- i.e. physical postures and Pranayama- breathing exercises. Both combined together can make your body and mind elastic, energetic, flowing with vigour and strength and glowing with colour. It provides you desired shape and help wither away unwanted fats. It results in appropriate blood circulation , supplying it to all parts and thus solves vartious problems. It can help improve hair look. If will brighten your eyes. It will provide you added stamina and you will feel life more enjoyable and meaningful.

Many of your mental worries would overcome due to added strength and vigour in body and spirit. You will feel more light in weight and more charming also. It can be rightly manifested in your actions and deeds.

You can learn, know, practice Sahajayoga. It is a very simple, easy, scientifically proven, meditation technique spread by Mataji Nirmaladevi all over the world. Further it is free all the life. You will find number of centres across the globe. You can refer to any standard website or blog on the subject - from your own country and world over.

If interested you can have a my own blog on the subject -

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

skin care by natural products

Skin care by natural health supplements

Skin is the most important and the largest organ of our body and hence requires special attention . Everybody needs to have a healthy skin. People adopt various methods to have it, but one of them most safe and reliable is the use of natural health supplements for this purpose.

As these products are using those elements which come from nature, plants and parts of trees. So they are safe to use and apply. Oatmeal really does wonder if mixed with aloe for cleansing the skin. It also assist renunenating and soothing the damaged skin.

Acne is the major problem with the youngsters. It can be solved by removing impurities from the body, by using various kinds of clensers, and use of anti-oxidants.

Particularly for women, after pregnancy, strech marks is a big worry. Use of natural products can help decrease their appearance by making the skin more elastic and increasing its strength. Intake of vitamin A,E, D3 help stimulate production of new skin cells.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Raw food and Beauty

Raw food and Beauty

The search for beauty has found out different natural ways in which one can enhance beauty. The most practicable, convincing and reliable method is adopting raw diet as far as possible.

Raw food helps the person to look beautiful by substantially reducing weight. Those who are exhausted by different methods of weight loss can definitely try this and get desired results.

Various studies have confirmed that raw food is comparatively less flattening that the cooked one. Further it is also easily digestible in our system. Raw food also takes care of supplying essential nutrition to our body, and thus brings about perceptible change in the body look- it helps in hair growth and regaining fading colour of the hair. Nails may look more strong, shining and clean. The person’s face also glows and eyes begin to sparkle.

Raw food diet mainly consists of fruits, vegetables, nuts, sprouts, juices etc. You would be surprised to know the various advantages offered by raw diet like – acts as a good cleanser and nourished our body cells. It is also considered as best diet for athletes and physically active persons.

Before adopting raw food diet, the person concerned needs to make a vow to rigorously follow it for personal benefit. Initially it may sound difficult to follow, but it is not so when you have changed your mind set in favor of raw food. It requires commitment and planning, and then success can be guaranteed. Our body also takes some time get adjust to new style diet. So it is better that it is adopted in gradual increasing manner. So do not suddenly stop eating cooked food, but start by reducing its proportion.

Consuming fiber rich raw diet has many advantages to offer to our body. You will definitely feel elated, energetic and beautiful. With planned efforts, you can easily overcome emotional hurdles on the way. So start the raw food diet plan as early as possible and look smarter.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Beauty without Make up

Can you believe that beauti can exist without make up. Yes. By All means. Give it a try. The hammering advertisements and commercialization of life has resultd in some wrong notions get established - like Make up is a Must for Beauty. You can never think of beauty without make-up etc. But correct yourself, and realise the reality- Beauty is possible in life without make up.

A little change in life-style, diet habits, exercising everyday, intake of balanced meal, consumption of sufficient quantity of water etc. can give you real beauty.

1. Water- Start day by washing your face with cool water. Then drink maximum amount of water to flush out the impurities from your body. Water if life. If you maintain the proportion of water in body correctly, it will have healthy effect on your skin. It will definitely glow and shine.

2.Sound sleep- Sound sleep is the key to healthy and beautiful life. Never deprive your body from this essential element. Atleast 8 hours quiet sleep is prerequisite of healthy life. So enjoy sleep and be peaceful and beautiful too.

3. Exercise daily- Daily exercise is another fact, which you can never afford to escape attention. Exercise offers number of benefits to our body and mind. Choose the exercise of your likeing and continuously do it regularly. It will provide you good shape, it will tone your body, it will build muscles, it will bring back smile on your face.

4. Balanced diet- Alway be conscious of what you eat, how much you eat and when you eat. Never miss the breakfast in the morning. It will harm your health . Try to take more fruits, fresh juice and vegetable in diet. Raw food and salads etc. can do wonder. Realise it and experience yourself.

5. Meditate everyday- The best sort of meditation in this world is - Sahajayoga Meditation by Mataji Nirmaladevi. It brings about total transformation within yourself, it is free, practiced all over the world in all religion. Get benefit of it. Your balanced mind, and satisfied sould will glow you in every respect.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Natural Beauty

Beauty is one thing which is pursued for many ages by all men and women. However, very few have realised that it can well be done by inner toning of the self. Beauty is mainly considered as external manifestation, or one's external look, but in reality it is only a one aspect or part of it. External good appearance is not complete beauty for any human being. There is another more important part of it - and it is inner beauty.

If you are beautiful from within- i.e. silent, cool, compassionate, loving and caring,naturally you look beautiful all your life - even without external make-up. Adding different colour on your face cannot hide your problems, your worries, your temper,your quest for happiness etc.

We cannot change many things in life- particulary our physical condition, how we have born, what our mother eat during pregnancy, which affected our birth etc. However, our body is provided with a very unique mechanism of renewing cells in our body with every passage of time. So literally we are blossoming within ourself everyday. Our body has tremendous healing capacity, of which we are unaware. We need to develop these inbuild beautiful tools made available to us by the God since our birth.

We can easily make some life style change within us- like changing diet habits, intake of more fruits and raw salada, daily exercise for sometime, practicising meditation etc. However, there should be conscious efforts and then you can see wonderful changes happening to you. You will feel your tranformation - inside out. Your skin will glow, your face will glitter, your eyes will shine, your features will be attractive, your speaking tone wil be pleasant and sweet.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Fight wrinkles

We can overcome the wrinkle problem by making some changes in our lifestyle.
Kindly read the article on the subject published by me -in Articles.base directory.
Fight Wrinkles

Wrinkle becomes common sign with ageing people. Sometime they are even seen with people of middle age- the reasons may be many - like lot of tension, improper diet, lack of health care etc. The best method to solve this problem is to protect your skin from within.

Reserch has indicated that people who eat vegetables, olive oil, legume, fish etc. have comparatively less wrinkles. One should increase intake of vegetables, eggs, yogurt, cheese, vegetable juices, fruis- like apples, cherries, grapes, pears.etc. Iron helps skin to increase its breathing and zinc helps to repair the cells.

It is observed that people who overeat cakes, pastries,red meat, soft drinks, high fatty milk products have more wrinkles. Preventive measures are of more utility in having wrinkle free skin in forties. Free radicals is considered to be the main cause for wrinkles, and can be taken care of by having more and more green leafy vegetables, fresh coloured fruits in daily diet.

Taking vitamin E pills can help protecting skin from damage. Wrinkles occur as the skin thins. Continuous smoking is major cause in increasing wrinkles. Every puff you take increases wrinkles or damages the skin. Eating healthy and drinking sufficient quantity of water everyday can help reduce the wrinkles. Further putting some avacado slices on your face, or darker part of the skin has great effect. The oil within the fruit activates oil production in skin, makes your skin smooth and gives it younger look.

Alpha hydroxy acid found in fruits and milk sugar is helpful in fighting wrinkles. Most commonly used hydroxyl acids are glycolic acid and lactic acid- which are commonly used in many cleansers, toners and masks as well. These acids have special ability to penetrate easily into skin and therefore more useful in taking care of wrinkles.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Aloe Vera for Beautiful Hair

Aloe Vera has magic effect in hair treatment. It can mitigate number of hair related problems - life baldness, falling hairs, dry hairs etc. These can be solved with the application of pure aloe vera gel on your head,allowing it to remain there for half an hour before rinsing hair. If you can do it twice a month, it will start showing results within few months.

Similarly aloe vera gel is beneficial in tackling problem of oily hair. Regular application of aloe vera gel as described above, can reduce oily content from scalp and give strength to your hair.

Aloe vera gel is also considered useful in slowing baldness. It can be applied on scalp in the form of gel, or shampoo etc. It also fights dandruffs.

So why not try these simple tips and can have very attractive, long hair.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

For Healthy and Glowing Face

No one can ignore facial care. Taking simple care of it and attending to it for 10-15 minutes a day can make your face look charming and glowing. Donot forget to protect from sun rays.

In the morning everyday wash your face with warm water. As far as possible avoid chemical soaps and use purifying gels instead. After again washing the face blot it gently with smooth,soft towel, never rub it hastily. Do toning and then apply moisturiser,which suits your face. At last make use of sunscreen on top of the moisturiser.

Similar regiment is expected to be done at evening also. But at this time you can give some more time to it and do it in relaxed manner. Another most important thing you need to reember is that never go to bed with make -up. Our skin also needs to breathe in night, and make up creates hindrance.

Small common tips for facial care-

Atleast wash your face with warm or luke warm water two to three times a day.
Reducing smoking and consuming alcohol is in your own interest.
Drink sufficient quantity of water and avoid soft drinks, soda etc.
Eat maximum fruits and vegetable- specially raw diet can have magnificient effect.
Never neglect sleep- 6-8 hours sound sleep is basic requirement of our bodyand so never compromise with it.

Such a care on your part will be reflected in your glowing face.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Natural way to Beauty

Beauty can be enhanced by simple and easy techniques. Overdependance on outside creams,oils, make up should be avoided as far as possible. Try to keep your body exposed to nature in bare form avoiding, foundation, makeup,facial care products as far as possible.

We must know the nature of our skin and accordingly balance the moisture over it, in more natural way. Many a times cleansers using chemicals and alcohol tend to make the skin dry and you feel to have your moisture. You should try to maintain the required level of water in your body. Pay special attention to drinking sufficient water during the day- which will drain our unwanted elements, and will maintain the texture of the skin, and you will not feel it dry.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

home made facial mask

Instead of spending of facil masks from market, you can apply the easy to made at home -facial mask and get the same kind of effect. Following are few suggested home made facil masks.

1. Take Sandalwood powder or paste and add it with turmeric powder and add required quantity of water. First wash your face with warm water and then apply this sandalwood-turmeric paste on it. Keep if for 20-30 Minutes, then wash your face with cold water.

2. You can also use powder of chana dal, add to it milk and turmeric powder. Use this for application on your face, after neatly washing the face with warm water. Keep it for half a hour and then wash the face with cold water.

3. You can also try using fresh juice of any fruit- orange,lemon,sweet lime etc. and apply directly on your face. Keep it as it is for 15-20 minutes. Then wash the face and rinse it. It well acts as a clinser, help close pores and stimulates blood circulation.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Hair tips

While washing your hairs care should be taken of certain points, particularly the temparature of the water used while washing hairs. it should be exactly 36.7°C.

Another important thing is the quantum of shampoo you use for washing. Shampoo of 6 ml is sufficient for people with short hair and people with long hair can use shampoo maximum l0 ml.

Also massage your head complete- every part of it, which increase blood circulation,which is beneficial for hair growth.

For the final rinsing always use cool water, which helps to close the hair shells and makes your hair shinier.

Do not indulge in rubbir hair with towel, which may harm it. Rather wrap a towl around your hair, keep it for some time. Let it absorb the water, and then sqeeze gently with your hands.

Easy skin care tip

Easy skin care tip

Many women are resorting to using various kinds of skin hydration products for making their skin beautiful.

The same result can be obtained by increased use of water in our daily routine. Our body is mainly made up of water, and everyday our skin cells are replaced. By drinking water, we help regerating healthy new skin cells.

We should atleast drink 8 glasses of water everyday and more in summer. Water flushe the system from inside and offer healt benefits too. So never feel shy to drink a glass of water, whenever you really feel thirsty. Or always have sip of water after few hours every day. It is a very simple, free method to look beautiful.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Right Food for Beauty

Right Food for Beauty

It is said that we are made of what we eat. According to Indian Medical Science “Ayurveda” – it means what we eat and drink, its quality, quantity, time and method, everything affects our life-knowingly or unknowingly. Therefore we need to be extra cautious about out intake of food if we want to look beautiful and feel energetic.

Eating right kind of food can definitely glow your skin, make your cheeks colorful and your eyes sparkling. We need to take balanced diet for this purpose everyday.

Fresh fruits and leafy and green vegetables are not only health booster but really the beauty products in disguise, naturally available. Most fruits and vegetables are full of antioxidants, to fight the free radicals in our day-today routine work. They are very good for skin. The skin problems of discoloration, dry skin, wrinkles etc. can be cured by increased intake of fruits- especially from the yellow and red colour fruits.

Vitamin A or beta carotene is known for its power to protect and rejuvenate skin cells thereby safeguarding our complexion. Naturally green and leafy vegetables like spinach, broccoli should be taken by us quite often. Taking it in raw forms will be more advantageous. Vitamin A can also protects us from ultra violate rays coming from sun, if we happen to be outside for quite long time in sunny days.

Intake of more quantity of berries- of any kin strawberries, blueberries, blackberries can help us maintain the elasticity of skin and even fight the skin cancer.

Taking everyday pure ghee, edible oil in required quantity can ensure the softness and beauty of our skin. It provides essential lubrication for our organs. It will mitigate the problem of drying skin.

Increased intake of wholegrain not only is good for health but also for our beauty. Containing more fiber they act as an effective filtering system to eliminate toxins from our body very easily and help glow the skin.

Thus by taking more of naturally available food, which help our beauty in real sense, we can stop depending on external factors for beauty purpose.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Beauty by Exercise

Beauty by Exercise

Will you be at your best? Exercise regularly to improve your skin, height, hair, eyes and muscle definition. Exercise routine improves the lives of thousands of ways.

One of the most interesting reasons to enjoy a daily workout is its impact on our physical appearance. Any person, regardless of attractiveness, can see even better, like a sensible training plan in consultation with the doctor.

Want to know how it works? These are some of the benefits of a regular routine exercise.
1. Your skin will look better after a workout. Physical activity can have several positive effects on the skin. First, your skin can absorb some sun if you exercise outdoors. But avoid the sun at 10.4 to avoid overexposure and possible damage to the skin which can develop into melanoma, a skin cancer death. Do not forget sunscreen with SPF of 45 or more. However, the same exercise in the morning or evening, bringing color in his cheeks, and improve circulation throughout the body, which increases the color of their skin and complexion. Another advantage is that the tone of your skin is better, because of better circulation to prevent falls and wrinkles.

2. you will be more natural to adjust to your height and build. With a program of regular exercise, burn more calories and lose extra weight. Little by little, go to the size of your natural body with a healthy weight and proportionate. All is more beautiful when you feel good after a workout that strengthens muscles to pump blood sugar in the body suppress the appetite and leave you satisfied with the pleasant mild fatigue. Your higher self-confidence will increase their sense of achievement and further improve the way we see others.

3. Your hair looks healthier than ever. Regular exercise increases circulation to all parts of the body including the scalp. Hair follicles are nourished by oxygen, the flow of blood rich in antioxidants that engulfed the region to destroy free radicals before they can damage the hair. In exercising outdoors or at the pool, hair can develop a uniform color for a sunny little effect natural relief.

4. Your eyes are brighter and brighter. Thanks again for better circulation, your eyes will benefit from better blood circulation that helps maintain moisture, light and functional. Also make sure you during an exercise routine gives an eye muscles to strengthen them, and other body parts. The crisp air under a collection of outdoor eliminate fatigue and dust of the eyelids.

5. Muscle definition is designed to provide a finished look and tense. Every workout your muscles grow tighter and more firm to develop an elegant appearance with time. The clothes will be softer, and muscle definition will be felt in the legs, especially to help you look and feel better shape.

Exercise several times a week, builds endurance and helps you feel more control over body and life. The new trust will further enhance their appearance to make it even more attractive than ever.

Adopt habit of regular exercise to really look beautiful.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Apply foundation properly on face

One of the common thing done almost every day by women is the application of foundation on their face. If there is mistake in selection of wrong foundation, or wrong colour etc. it can not provide the desired effect and would result of waste of time, money and energy. Hence women before applying foundation always think of the following.


Another common mistake is to choose the beauty of the base color error. So you end up with your face is a different tone in the neck, which is never NOK. To ensure you get maximum beauty with make-up, make sure that you have the correct basis, which means making the right color foundation.

You can talk to a professional who can look at skin color and select the color of foundation for you. Otherwise, do not forget to bring a bit of a couple of different shades based on his little finger or part of your throat, so you can see what best suits your skin tone.

Note that in the summer of May to get a darker shade of foundation, because it tends to be bronzed by the sun, and vice versa in winter. And there is always a mixture on the grounds that only the contours of the jaw, and instead the entire height of the neck.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Easy Beauty Tps

Easy Beauty Tips

Everyone wants to look good and beautiful as they can. Many of us spend a lot of money on the brand of beauty products and the number of visits to the salon. There are a variety of beauty treatments that we can use simple things that are easily accessible in our homes. Here are some tips on beauty home a couple you can try to use things in the kitchen at no extra cost.

* To reduce swelling of the eyelids, to manipulate a drop of castor oil very cool for them.
* If you want to update your eyes, use safety glasses with thick slices of cucumber. Another possibility is to use cotton swabs dipped in cold milk. Lie down and put on a blindfold and relax a while.
* Add a drop of rose water on each eye, just before sleep can also refresh the eyes.
* To keep lips from cracking, use of fermentation of hot water on her lips, then apply a mixture of Vaseline and honey. Use this mixture three times a week.
* To keep your lips dry, you can use a combination of countries or rose petals and milk butter.
* To delay age spots on hands, use a piece of lemon and rub over the hands before washing. This will delay the delivery of age spots.
* If you do not have time to wash your hair before going out, then brush 1 tablespoon of talcum powder or cornmeal in your hair. Try this first when you do not rush to make sure it works as you like.
* To prevent hair loss you should have a drink rich in biotin. Blend bananas with honey, yogurt and milk drink skimmed it for a couple of weeks.
* Although the drying and setting hair, blowing hot dry hair roots of shots inside or outside of the hair on end. To improve the adaptation to the ends are either implemented or discarded. Heat the hair for a second, and let cool. This process of creating your hair longer and makes your hair looks nice.
* To revitalize your hair after a shampoo, hair conditioners take a palm and rub it with both hands. Use of hair in the downward trend does not apply to the scalp. Rinse hair after 5 minutes.
* To add extra gloss and shine to your hair, add 2 tablespoons malt vinegar is used as a last rinse and towel dry hair.

Beauty Foods

No doubt we all want to see beautiful, thin and fit. You must do enough exercise to look good. However, it is significant that eating the right type of diet to be beautiful.

The cause of dark circles

Our face attracts the most notice. That's why we pay more attention to how our face looks. We take special care of our face, skin, eyes and try to show our face in the most beautiful thing we can.

Beauty Diet

Your diet contributes greatly to helping you beautiful. Therefore, a healthy diet is important to properly maintain its beautiful appearance.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Beauty and Personal Life Style

Beauty of any person is greatly related to the life style adopted by him. We cannot underestimate the importance of healthy lifestyle in beautiful body and mind.

Beauty&healthy lifestyle

To preserve and enhance the natural beauty of face and body must maintain a healthy lifestyle. It contains many things, like eating healthy foods, avoid too much fat, sugar and alcohol, not smoking, drinking lots of water, exercise regularly, spiritual development, balance, mental alertness and emotional. We must all learn what makes us good and what's good for us.
Making healthy choices can lead to a general feeling of well being and happiness.

There are over 40 nutrients your body needs to stay healthy. Since no single food can provide all these nutrients, it is important to eat a variety of foods to ensure that your body is inadequate.

If you have decided to stick to a healthy lifestyle begins with the cleanliness of their kitchen cabinets and refrigerator. Remove food that is not part of his new lifestyle and replace them with healthier alternatives. Avoid eating between meals. If you snack, choose healthy foods low in fiber, rich in calories as raw vegetables or grain. Eat slowly and chew well. Avoid fast food. Make a habit to plan and prepare healthy meals with friends.

If you try to lose weight, go when you are hungry, if the energy used by your digestive system will be transmitted to the muscles and hunger disappears. A glass of water or drink alcohol, other free sugars. Chew sugarless gum or sucking sugar-Mints. Learn to understand when boredom or anxiety rather than true hunger stimulates hunger. Do not buy diet pills or appetite suppressants until you contact your doctor.

Exercise regularly. What training you need depends on many factors such as age, weight, health and lifestyle. But the average adult should be at least 30 minutes 3 to 4 times a week. The exercise includes activities such as walking, jogging, skating, tennis, biking, climbing, ice, etc. Even a flight of stairs or walking several blocks instead of driving training.

It is always wise to consult your doctor before starting or changing an exercise routine. Go easy in the beginning and work to build their level of physical activity during a period of two weeks.

There are 3 major groups of exercise:

- Exercises that ballet and yoga stretches and tones muscles, helps to promote balance and improve posture.

- Cardiovascular or aerobic exercise such as running and walking stimulates the heart and lungs and improves endurance, so that when you can solve any longer.
Strengthening of weightlifting - and increases the strength of muscular fitness in general.

Physical activity outside is a great way to train your body and get some oxygen, but did not receive excessive exposure to sunlight, which can be dangerous for your skin. To use the free body toned and tanned, tanning, like beauty tanning system, which is less harmful than direct ultraviolet rays.

Another factor of healthy lifestyle is ignoring sound sleep. Try to be at least 7-8 hours of sleep per day instead of keeping them late and I hope you sleep during the weekend. Make sure your bedroom is plenty of fresh air and not too hot. Invest in a comfortable mattress and Simmons Beauty Rest and save their energy and a better glow.